CD & DVD Lock Pick

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CD & DVD Lock Picking : Teknik membuka PINTU, GEMBOK, LOCKER TANPA menggunakan KUNCI

"DIJAMIN BISA! Membuka Pintu, Gembok, Locker Tanpa menggunakan KUNCI ATAU Kami Ganti dengan Uang KAMI 5X Lipat!"



Tentu saja Anda pernah menonton adegan James Bond atau MacGyver. Kapan terakhir kali Anda melihat aksi-aksi jagoan ini ketika berhadapan dengan ruangan tertutup dan mereka kelihatannya dapat membuka pintu, kunci dengan mudahnya?

Ya. Kalau Anda menebak itu hanya film, maka Anda belum liat keseluruhannya. Pemikir langka seperti Anda sudah mengetahui agen-agen rahasia juga diajarkan teknik membuka kunci ini. Meskipun teknik ini tidak diajarkan pada kelas-kelas formal, apalagi untuk dunia sipil, Anda juga dapat mempelajari trik rahasia ini.

Bayangkan apa yang terjadi jika Anda ketinggalan kunci, atau kunci Anda jatuh, atau hilang, dan Anda tidak memasuki rumah atau kamar Anda? Anda tidak perlu merusak kunci atau bahkan mendobrak kunci pintu Anda.

Namun itu tidak harus terjadi pada Anda. Anda dapat membuka kuncinya dengan sempurna, mudah, tanpa merusak kunci pintu Anda.

Bagaimana caranya? Ok, Anda pasti sudah tidak sabar. Ada tiga materi yang Anda harus pahami. Memperkenalkan CD dan DVD Revolusioner yang membantu Anda menguasai Locpicking.


#1 CD : Locksmith / Kode : LP01

Untuk Anda yang pemula, Anda akan mempelajari pengenalan dasar tentang Lockpicking.

  • Dalam waktu 30 menit Anda akan menjadi profesional pembuka kunci. Anda tidak akan pernah membayangkan betapa mudahnya membuka sebuah gembok setelah belajar dari CD ini
  • CD Lock Picking ini berisi : Movie , Tulisan , serta gambar yang mengajarkan langkah demi langkah dari pemula sampai profesional.
  • CD hanya bisa dibuka di komputer (Instalation required)
Apa yang Anda dapatkan dari CD Locksmith ini?

  • HOW --> Cara Melakukannya
  • HOW (ADVANCED) --> dengan berbagai teknik : Raking Technique, Pin Taping Technique, Pin Process Technique, dan Combine Technique
  • Membuat Lock Pick Anda Sendiri --> FEELER PICK + TENSION WRETCH : Hair Pin, Paper Clip, Steel Spring, Safety Pin --> (Jepitan rambut, klip kertas, kunci L, dll)
  • Trouble Shooter --> Why Won't The Lock Open
  • Understanding the insides of Lock Picking
  • dan masih banyak lainnya.

Durasi : 1 jam

Harga = Rp 25.000

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#2 DVD : Visual Guide to Lock Picking / Kode : LP02
worth US $39.95

  • Chapter 1 : Warded Locks : How to identify them, how they work, and how to defeat them
  • Chapter 2 : Pin Tumblers : Identify them, How they work, and the tools and skills you need to defeat them
  • Chapter 3 : Advanced Pin Tumblers : Rounded Bevelled, Masterkey, and High Security Pin
  • Chapter 4 : Wafer Locks : How the work and how to pick them

Screenshot :

(Klik untuk memperbesar gambar)

  • The Visual Guide to Lock Picking is THE DVD to own if you want to learn the art of picking locks without having to sit in a classroom! This DVD explains several types of locks and lock picking techniques. Modern computer 3D graphics and animations allow for cutaway views that were never before possible. This DVD not only makes lock picking possible, but clearly shows you how, so that you can get started today!

  • It explains what all of the tools are and for what they are used. What really sets this DVD far above the competition, however, is the vast assortment of illustrations that make everything easy to understand. This really is a "visual guide" with graphics and animations that will instantly show you how locks work, and exactly what to do to bypass them. You can start immediately!

  • You will learn locksmiths closely guarded secrets from this and techniques that are extremely valuable. TheVisual Guide to Lock Picking introduces warded locks, pin tumblers, wafer tumblers, master locks, even some high security pins. It dissects the locks, showing every moving part, making it easy to see how they work. Step-by-step instructions are given for picking each type of lock. You will be lead through the entire process, introducing the necessary tools and covering several techniques leading you to that satisfying click as the lock springs open.

  • This is the definitive guide for learning the art of lock picking. Inside you will discover the secrets of the trade. By reading this video, practicing, and applying the methods introduced, you can successfully become a master at picking all the common locks of today. This video makes it easy and gives you the edge to quickly learn what it takes others years to gather. This video is a valuable addition to any collection and will open doors for you.

  • Quickly learn the secrets of the trade from this viedo's concise, yet informative style. By practicing and applying the methods introduced here, it is possible to master lock picking most modern locks, The visual Guide to Lock Picking introduces warded locks, pin tumbler locks, wafer locks, master locks, even some high security pins. It dissects the locks, showing every moving part, making it easy to see how they work, Step-by-step intructions are given for picking each type of lock. You will be lead through the entire process, introducing the necessary tools and covering several techniques that will lead you to that satisfing click as the lock springs open.

This video is a 3D Animation video which covers Lockpicking!

Durasi : 49 Menit

Harga = Rp 30.000

[Bisa diputar di DVD Player]


#3 DVD : Lockpicking for the New Millenium / Kode : LP03
worth US $49.95

  • Do you want an action packed, no frills video filled with the most up-to-date information about locks and security available? Then look no further! This DVD promises to blow the competition out of the water. Ever wondered how secure your home is? Are you curious how high security locks can be opened in mere seconds? Are you interested in locks? If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, this DVD is for you.
  • The close-up videography is superb and it's combined with in depth instruction from a master locksmith with many years of real world experience. This is a must see video for any lock enthusiast, locksmith student or lock picking hobbyist.

  • This DVD is easy to follow and navigate. It is broken down into 28 separate chapters you can choose directly from the menu for easy access. You'll learn how to:

  • Rekey A Lock
  • Pick Handcuffs
  • Impression Locks
  • Use Padlock Shims
  • Bypass Hotel Locks
  • Use A Plug Spinner
  • Pick Tubular Locks
  • Pick Warded Padlocks
  • Defeat Mushroom Pins
  • Pick Pin Tumbler Locks
  • Pick Double Sided Locks
  • Pick Sesame Style Padlocks
  • Pick Schlage Wafer Disc Locks
  • Make A Homemade Electric Pick
  • Pick Simplex Style Pushbutton Locks
  • and much, much more!
Screenshot :
(Klik untuk memperbesar gambar)

Durasi : 80 Menit

Harga = Rp 30.000

[Bisa diputar di DVD Player]


TOTAL 1 CD & 2 DVD = 85.000 + ONGKOS KIRIM

Kode Pesanan untuk 1 CD dan 2 DVD : LP04

Cara Pemesanan :




di dlm cd nya ini diajarin juga cara bikin picking tools nya juga, baik yg dari alat2 sederhana spt klip kertas maupun alat2 profesional.....

gue udah liat filmnya, trus coba bikin pake paper clip pake jepit rambut, tapi pake yang besi mah gak bisa, mesti punya grinda.
pake paper clip sama jepitan rambut udah bisa cuman cepet bengkok, ngebuka pintu sama gembok sebagian bisa.
tapi itu dia, bahannya kelenturan, kalo dari besi enak.
cariin dong alatnya, jadi sekalian jualnya satu paket sama cd nya, kan sekalian membantu mempraktekan hehehehe...
asal jangan dipraktekan di rumah sebelah

Menarik Jg...

CD baru gua terima. Not bad jg isinya. Ada tutorial buat lock picking kunci dingdong. Kirain kunci dingdong gak bisa
Ada yg buat kunci segitiga (triple wafer) ama yg kotak gak yah?

barang dah nyampe tadi sore, bro..
tapi belom sempet gw coba..
nanti gw kabarin lg deh..

bos barangnya dah sampe hari jumat kemaren....
sip barangnya... tapi masih belom bisa nih....

btw si bos orang bogor ya?
gw juga orang bogor tapi lagi kuliah di jogja..

Maap Bro, baru bisa kasih testi!!!

Pesen ma ini orang, konfirmasi langsung barang sampai!!!

R E C O M E N D E D S E L L E R !!!


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